Acorn Publishing

The Teacher's Manual

Learning to Teach, Applying Methods, Navigating Management, and Pondering School Issues

Jennifer Anderson

Softcover, 314pp., 2020; $12



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This book provides many practical insights, from lesson planning, grading, communication, and recess to the politics of classroom management, parent-teacher meetings, and learning environments. Preparing for a field trip or school program? Seeking to improve community-school relationships? Looking into emergency procedures? This book contains lots of helpful pointers for these and other challenges.


Pages: 314pp.
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: Acorn
Release date: 2020
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-1-7322864-2-9              
Dimensions: 8.5” x 5.5” x 0.6”
Weight: 0.99lb / 15.99oz


Voilà! You have a classroom. In come the students, all bright-eyed and eager to start a year with their teacher. While you bask in the excitement of a new start, be aware that the students are bringing more with them than their backpacks and lunch pails. Let’s take a look at some of your scholars:

David                    Eager learner; gets impatient with others
Mary                    Speech/physical handicap; has a helper; stays positive
Noah                    Teases but doesn’t know when to stop; fun-loving
Eli                         Moved four times; finds it hard to keep friends
Jerry                     Rushes through work and is impatient with Sara
Sara                     Meticulous, perfectionist; can’t handle disorganization
Lucy                     Tattles on Noah at home; busybody
Amanda               Everything is too easy; bored at school; reads

Hmm—struggles already and you haven’t even started!

The Teacher’s Manual provides many practical insights into all facets of school, from the day-to-day practices of lesson planning, grading, communication, and recess to the politics of classroom management, parent-teacher meetings, and learning environments. Preparing for a field trip or school program? Seeking to improve community-school relationships? Looking into emergency procedures? This book contains lots of helpful checklists for these and other challenges teachers face.

A useful, practical, realistic guide for new and experienced teachers alike. Approachable and easy to navigate. Great resource for school boards to share with teachers.

Jennifer Anderson has nearly 20 years of teaching experience in a variety of settings, including parochial schools, Christian day schools, and public schools. Her pupils have included a range of Conservative Mennonites, Old Order Mennonites, Amish, Amish-Mennonites, Dunkard Brethren, and non-Anabaptists. She has taught at every grade level, plus special ed.

Table of Contents

The Legal Foundation of Our Schools
Paralleling the Past and Present: Why Our Own Schools?

Part I: The School and Its Workers
01: Whom Shall I Send?
02: Examining the School

Part II: The Nuts and Bolts
03: Getting Organized
04: Class Work and Grading
05: Standardized Testing

Part III: Teaching School
06: Teaching Thinking
07: Communication in the Classroom

Part IV: Where We Learn
08: The Classroom
09: Recess Time!

Part V: Classroom Management
10: Teaching Relationships
11: Taking and Keeping the Lead
12: Managing Community Influences on the School

Part VI: Special Events and Concluding the Year
13: Special Events in School Life
14: The Final Evaluation

Afterword: Contemporary Trends Influencing Conservative Anabaptist Schools
i.   Homeschooling
ii.  Across the Great Economic Divide: Creating a Child Labor Force
iii. A Negative View of Rules
iv. Paperless Society and the Bible
v.  How Business Went to School One Day
v i. Culture Wars, Abuse, or Child Training?